
På den lilla skärgårdsön Brännö utanför Göteborg bygger Henrik och Jens en tolv meter lång och fyra meter bred val av trä. Den ska bli en hyllning till världens enda uppstoppade val som finns på Naturhistoriska museet. Men passionsprojektet hamnar i en kris när de två männen en dag ryker ihop med varandra.

En kortdokumentär om vänskap, prestige och skaparglädje.

The Swedish-speaking migrants of Paris

They have lived in Sweden for years, but when Sweden denies them a residence permit, they choose to move on and seek a future in France. Paris offers a harsh reality, and many of them start their new lives living on the streets or in run-down refugee housing.

The Combination Movie

People that have been in space has said, that the experience of seeing first hand the tiny fragile ball of life, hanging if the void, shielded and nourished by a paper thin atmosphere, have changed them. From space natural boundaries vanish, the conflicts that divided people becomes less important. The internet connects us with each other around the world, still it seems that we are more individual than ever before. Are we really using the true potential of being this giant human collective? 

What about an experiment where we collect the worlds combined imagination and unite it as one huge organism of creativity?